
This blog is about the meaning of gay lives, discussed in mom, teen, and office friendly ways. This is not a sex blog and does not contain explicit adult content. Enjoy!

Gay, Explained

Preston Grant


Cured Homosexuals

The NY Times has one of its puffy cultural pieces about ex-gay men who claim they are cured of their homosexuality, but even a cursory read reveals these are some very sad men.

The story leads with a man who has wrestled against his sexuality his whole life, including seventeen years of marriage, finally finding [...]

11 Horrifying Cures For Homosexuality

From the Huffington Post, a list of crazy ways people have tried to get the homo out of the homosexuals.

Their list includes:

Cocaine Organ transplants Cold showers Bicycling Nausea drugs Fetal intervention Hypnosis Prostitution Electrocution

As a graduate of the “strap him in a chair and show him pornography while electro-shocking him” cure favored [...]

Butters Goes To Ex-Gay Camp

After news reports of gay teen suicides resulting from social conservatives insistence that being gay is a moral failing, it is time to revisit South Park‘s take on the subject. Meet Ryan, Butter’s accountabilibuddy, who learns the Christian way out of evil homosexuality…

It is quite the indictment of a church when the cracked creators [...]